What are the benefits of using Python?

Puja Chaudhary     2022-04-02 15:12:31    

What are the benefits of using Python?

 The benefits of using python are-

    1. Easy to use– Python is a high-level programming language that is easy to use, read, write and learn.
    2. Interpreted language– Since python is interpreted language, it executes the code line by line and stops if an error occurs in any line.
    3. Dynamically typed– the developer does not assign data types to variables at the time of coding. It automatically gets assigned during execution.
    4. Free and open source– Python is free to use and distribute. It is open source.
    5. Extensive support for libraries– Python has vast libraries that contain almost any function needed. It also further provides the facility to import other packages using Python Package Manager(pip).
    6. Portable– Python programs can run on any platform without requiring any change.
    7. The data structures used in python are user friendly.
    8. It provides more functionality with less coding.